Marthijn de Vries

We changes our branding, within the first month

· Marthijn de Vries

Hi! Welcome to my third post of (hopefully) many about building a business. If you have any comments about my posts, send me an email 👋🏻

So, we just concluded our first month at Coffee Digital. Already proud of the steps we took, the team is getting shape. One thing we finished is a re-branding of our company. Jup. We did that in the first month. Let me explain.

A intern made our first logo in one afternoon

When we came up with the idea for Coffee Digital, around the first couple of months in 2022, we thought of the name and decided we needed a quick design for our logo. So we asked our design/marketing intern at that moment to create something. She came up with a simple, but creative design for our logo. And, just like the name, we decided within 30 seconds that this is what we’re gonna work with ‘for now’.

Fast forward a year, we were still using the name Coffee Digital and the logo from the intern. I chose a font and created a color palette.

Coffee Digital Branding 1.0

It was time for a Coffee Digital 2.0

When we officaly launched Coffee Digital, we just had the gut-feeling that this style wasn’t up to the quality we wanted to radiate. So we flew in the big guns aka Coffee IT’s design team to help us. Together with them we choose a sophisticated green tone to reflect quality and creativity as a primary colour. Next to that they created a simple but classy logo. One important thing is that we still keep the connection with our other company: coffeeit. I am really proud of the result, hope you also like it! 👇🏻

Coffee Digital Branding 2.0

Coffee Digital website

This is it for now. See you at the next one! 👋🏻

This post is part of my #100daystoOffload challenge. Post 5/100.