Marthijn de Vries

Sh*t is getting real

· Marthijn de Vries

Hi! Welcome to my second post of (hopefully) many about building a business. If you have any comments about my posts, send me an email 👋🏻

In my previous post, I talked about the first steps we took for building a Business. Since then, we’ve had some milestones nearing the launch of Coffee Digital in January 2023. Let’s dig in!

Shareholders' agreement

On the first of December, we signed the shareholder agreement at the notary. Coffee Digital B.V. is now a real company. We celebrated with some champagne and cake with the whole Coffee IT team. The start of (hopefully) something big! The next thing I needed to do was hand over my letter of resignation, as I’m leaving Coffee IT as an employee.

Funny that, despite working on the business for quite some time now, this now feels like the real beginning. The point of no return.

The founding fathers of Coffee Digital 😂

Start of our first employee

Also on the first of December, the first employee of Coffee Digital had her first day. A 22 year old girl who just finished her studies was looking for her first job in the marketing space. I would definitely like to write more about hiring a first employee, but I’ll get back to you after the probationary period is over. I definitely learned a lot by interviewing dozens of marketers.

I’m more than excited about growing the team! After reading some blogs/books about building a team, my head is already buzzing with hundreds of ideas about the culture and team structure of Coffee Digital. If you have any tips, please let me know.

The start of our first big client

During the last couple of months, we’ve been gradually spreading the word to (potential) clients that we’re also adding marketing-focused services to the portfolio. This immediately paid off. Three young entrepreneurs within the crypto space asked us to help them with branding, online presence, and concept documentation. I can’t tell you more about the project right now, but I’ll share with you the final result in Q1 of 2023.

Keep you updated

So, things are moving. I’ll get back to you after the holidays. I’m taking a couple of days off before heading into this big adventure. For now, enjoy your family and the holidays.

Cheers to 2023!

See ya 👋🏻