Marthijn de Vries

100 days to offload

· Marthijn de Vries

In my previous posts about #buildingabusiness, I talked about the first steps we took to build Coffee Digital. As 2022 came to it’s end, I had a moment to reflect on the previous year and look forward. Don’t worry, I’m not talking about my business goals and how I’m gonna make my first million. I want to talk about one of my personal goals for 2023: Improving my writing.

In 2016, during college, I wrote a book about the third coffee wave. It was called ‘De Koffie van Tegenwoordig’ which translates to ‘The Coffee of today". I sold around 450 copies with almost no marketing (I know, the irony is real). It took me more than a year to write, but that project kickstarted my intrest in the written word.

In the past seven years I wrote thousands emails, blogposts, landingpages en promotional texts for customers in different industries. A great way to learn how to write from another tone of voice. But in that time, I never had the time/priority to develop my personal ‘voice’.

100 Days To Offload

Last year a new colleague joined our company as an iOS developer and designer. He goes by the name of Peter. An intriguing who tries to lives intentionally. He also writes on his personal blog: He came across a website 100 Days To Offload which challenges everyone to write 100 posts on a personal website within 12 months. That’s around two posts per week🤯.

Posts don’t need to be long-form, deep, meaningful, or even that well written. If there are spelling and grammar mistakes, or even if there’s no real point to the post, so what? What’s important is that you’re writing about the things you want to write about.

Your posts could be how-to guides, or links to another post you have found interesting. They could include your own thoughts about that post, or a response to it. It could be a simple update about what you have done that day. Tell us about your dog, your cat, your fish tank, or whatever hobbies you have. Someone will find it interesting.

Just. Write.

How to write better

On that same day I received a newsletter from Joshua Fields Millburn, half of The Minimalists and also professor at This is a newsletter I subscribed to back in 2016. In that email he promotes his new YouTube video’s about different topic’s, but all with the same goal: Improve your writing. Can’t be a coincidence…

So there you go. I’m accepting Peter’s #100daysToOffload challenge. This post is 1/100. Because you learn by doing, right?

See you at the next one! 👋🏻